組畫(扇面兩件) A Set of Painting on Fan (Two Pieces)
組畫(扇面兩件) A Set of Painting on Fan (Two Pieces)
組畫(扇面兩件) A Set of Painting on Fan (Two Pieces)
組畫(扇面兩件) A Set of Painting on Fan (Two Pieces)

組畫(扇面兩件) A Set of Painting on Fan (Two Pieces)

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The Front of the first piece: The Landscape 

第一件反面:崔顥 “黃鶴樓” 草書

The Back of the first piece: The Poem “Yellow Crane Tower” by Cui Hao

第二件:王勃 “送杜少府之任蜀州”

The second piece: The Poem “Sending Off Vice Prefect Du on His Way to His Post in Shuzhou” 


第一件正面 The Front: 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao

第一件反面 The Back: 趙宗藻 Zhao Zongzao

第二件 The Second Piece: 陸儼少 Lu Yanshao

草書扇面 水墨紙本 竹骨成扇

Cursive Script on Fan, Ink on Paper, Fan with Bamboo Ribs

18 x 51 cm / 7.1 x 20 in 

$ 50,000 / A Set


This work is a “Xieyi” (expressional) landscape painting that the artist Lu Yanshao is recognized for. Born in Zhejiang, a city in the Southwestern part of China, Lu’s landscape painting reminds the viewers the style of the “South School '' of literati painting in pre-modern time. In the painting the inscription says “ a gift to Sheng Tian, painted by Lu Yanshao in the year of Bingyin.” Bingyin is the year of 1985. The back of the fan is a calligraphy of the poem, Huanghelou, by the modern print artist, Zhao Zongzao.

Using a cross-sectional composition, the painting depicts a fairyland scene of the peaks of mountains surrounded by clouds and mists. In the very limited space, the artist was able to present the most fascinating view of the whole scenery with a very balanced combination of the ink square, stroke works, and blankness of the image.

From 1962, Lu Yanshao taught at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts until his death in 1993. Since 1984, Zheng Shengtian has served as the director of the  Foreign Affairs Office at the China Academy of Art, holding several short training courses every year to recruit foreign students to study traditional art in China. The short training class hired well-known professors such as Lu Yanshao to give lectures in person. These two folding fans are souvenirs presented by Lu Yanshao to Zheng Shengtian at the end of the lecture.


本副作品为艺术家擅长的写意山水。陆俨少出身浙江,笔下山水颇有中国历史上山水画派之南派的特点。画面上题字,“胜天同志正之 丙寅六月陆俨少画”, 丙寅为1985年。背面为中国近代著名的版画家赵宗藻的书法黄鹤楼诗。

